How A Man Can Wear A Bun That Makes You Burn

I remember my jaw literally dropping last year when i saw Kit Harington, famously known as John Snow in the popular Tv series Game of Thrones walking on the Emmys 2014 in a black Tax, delicious British Accent and a bun....yes...a bun that literally made my insides burn.

Deep in our perfectly masked desires, we all want that edgy man who is bold and cocky enough to walk down the streets in ripped jeans, sleeved tattoos, a sexy beard and a bun. In 2015 this has become the ultimate definition of masculinity or you can call it "The New Sexy"

So darling Man out there, if you have long locks, a perfect beard and you don't want to give them up for a lame Tom Cruz clean cut look, grab a comb, little jell, situational pins/hair band and get yourself Inspired.


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