Douglas Royal


Am I surprised that I am having difficulty scribbling words for my first blog post? Well…not so much.

My name is Douglas Royal and yes, the “Royal” part is fake but I always feel as if it adds SOPHISTICATION to my name so just DEAL.

 I am one among the most unsuccessful bloggers of all time and trust me some of the blogs I own are still in existence because for some reason I have forgotten the passwords to all of them.

Styling Anonymous” is a blog created for all fashion lovers and everything fab.  We could wake up one morning and talk about Alexandra Wang’s collection and the next “A million ways to eat the Hot Divergent actor Theo James for breakfast lunch and dinner” We are aiming at being unpredictable but not random.  Does even that make sense? Oh whatever!

I am not a mean celebrity or a celebrity at all. This means that people can actually comment and expect me to reply on their comments. I love interaction, really, I have a very boring day to day schedule so little comments to make me laugh, cheer me up or piss me off a little are welcome.

So paaahlease people, talk about this blog to friends because it is about to be the next Hit blog.

With love, 

Douglas Royal.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, really appreciate the visit...i hope to be seeing you more often.

  2. If it was a dream i just want to assure you that, you have already pursue it ...because the blog it's show the incredible content of your brain on fashion even self-expression and it's so classy and fabulous because of it's quality Douglas Royal...Though you have conquer the country already and i believe soon will be all over the world. Well done and and I wish you good luck.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, it's people like you that fuels my fire to perfect myself and come up with more interesting things
