Horror Is The New Chic

For some reason i feel as if I've always been more accepting of dark wall colors in interior design before it became "The New Trend." Yes mom, you can roll yours eyes all you want with your ridiculous OCD and Phobia for dark walls because at the moment, "Horror Is The New Chic."

The idea book is all about dark wall colors we have always pushed away like navy, dark chocolate, black and charcoal. However disturbing this may sound to all those who share the same phobias as my mom, when these colors are done right and with the right disciplines it could turn elevate and the style of the room and believe it all not but it could also increase the intimacy of the room too.

Here are the few things these colors could bring to your room...

Channeling Intimacy.
For rooms such as the parlor, bedroom or a large living space, feeling intimate and cozy is a neccesary desire demanded to be present in the room. Dark colors will bring that feeling of closeness you need and will also elevate the feeling of warmth on the eye and privacy which is ideal for conversations with friends.

Create Contrast.
There is nothing beautiful like a little drama in the room. Dark walls with dark comfortable leather chairs contrasted with warm wooden colors on the ceiling and on the floor will aways create a tricky balance that will always give your guests something to talk about. What a nice way to start a party with questions like, "There is something so ...i just cant put my finger on it...what is it?"

When dark walls are paired with the opposites like red, yellow and green it does channel drama and beauty in the room and keep you walking in the blurred lines of a contemporary feel blended with the floral and colorful Mediterranean feel. The opposites also creates their own unique balance, yes i know, it is like the yin and yang theory all over again but this pop of color on the in dark walls is worth a try because instead of washing out the color of other decors, it enhances it.

Comment, Comment, Comment,
Douglas Royal.

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